Lawyers in Italy | Rome | Città di Castello

Lawyers profile

The law firm has offices in Rome, Venice and Città di Castello (Umbria)

The lawyer in charge for the offices in Venice and in Città di Castello is Lawyer Alessandro Mazzà

Born in Rome on 11/25/1969, graduated for La Sapienza University of Rome, registered with the bar of the Bar Association of Rome since 28 september 2000, member of Uncat (

Practis areas are civil law and tax law
Courtroom advocacy and litigation in Venice Perugia and Rome and Superior Courts
Professional liability insurance: Aig Europe S.A
Vat number 10595220582

Lawyer in charge for the office in Rome is Lawyer Susanna Mazzà

Born in Rome on 01/19/1961,
graduated for La Sapienza University of Rome registered with the bar of the Bar Association of Rome since 28 november 1996, qualified to represent people at higher courts of justice from since 26 june 2009

Practis area are civile law ed in particular family law,

Courtroom advocacy and litigation in Rome and Superior Courts an Tribunals
Professional liability insurance: : Generali S.p.A.
Vat number 10214220583